For years, Jay Sokolovsky has been compiling a guide to the AAAs, not only with our special events, but also panels, papers, posters that AAGE members are part of. While AALCIG has a broader life course focus, including many members whose primary focus is childhood, adolescence or early adulthood, AAGE’s guide is more geared towards later life. That said, if you’d like to advertise your panel or paper, leave a comment below with the details!


For panels, I have clipped words from the abstract to give you a general idea of content.

NAME*= AAGE members
SJCC= San Jose Convention Center.



2:15-4:00PM (San Jose Convention Center, LL 21 D)
Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation: Anthropological Re-Imaginaries of Dying, Burial, Ritual, and Bereavement, Session I

This panel aims to broadly showcase and highlight anthropology’s transcendence in death studies by focusing on the different ways anthropologists have and continue to study death and dying, the ways that death and dying are re-imagined, and their relevance and situatedness within a broader framework of health care. *Parin Dossa and Megan Alexander presenters

2:15-4:00PM (Fairmont, Cupertino)
Bodies and Emotion in Physical and Social Context

This panel considers the ways in which body interacts with the physical, social, cultural and interpersonal contexts and the impact of such interactions on subjective well-beings, especially psychological and mental health. *Tianshu Pan and *Susan J. Rasmussen presenters

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM (SJCC Execute Ballroom 210D) Scenes of Doubt: Senility, Queerness, and the Binds of Care

*Celeste Pang (presenter)


8:00 AM – 9:45 AM (Fairmont, Cupertino)
Life Course Strategies, Discourses of Institutional Values, and Ethics in Imagining Aging with or without Disability or Aging into Disability

Many scholars note that disability is a category anyone can enter at any time and, most broadly defined, is our largest “minority.” While true, and perhaps one of many existential angsts in our “modern” lives, no one expects it, often even past its obvious onset. With an emphasis on an expectation of healthy aging, disability experience at any age is rude or it does not, by definition, qualify as “Disability.”  *Jay Sokolovsky discussant


8:00 AM – 9:45 AM (SJCC, MR 212)
Elders in the Field: Association of Senior Anthropologists

This session explores the experiences of senior anthropologists who have continued to visit the same research field sites for many years, including after retirement from the academy or anthropological employment. *Maria Cattell presenter

8:00 AM – 9:45 AM (SJCC, Grand Ballroom B)
Creative Eco-systems of Care in Global Context

This panel documents the value of ethnography in community and institutional settings of care. In doing so, it examines how formal and informal networks of care form under social and economic inequalities. *Linh An, organizer , *Narelle Warren, Discussant

8-9:45am (SJCC, LL 21 D)

“Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation: Anthropological Re-Imaginaries of Dying, Burial, Ritual, and Bereavement, Session II’ *Cortney Hughes Rinker presenter

10:30-10:45 (SJCC MR230 B) “Staging Alzheimer’s” to Train Clinicians to Stage Alzheimer’s *Robert Schrauf, presenter


10:45 AM – 11:00 AM (SJCC Executive Ballroom 210)
Biopolitics and Professional Power: Historical Changes in the Conceptualization of Dementia in China

12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (SJCC, Concourse Lobby)
Gallery Session- Lost in Translation: A “Good Enough” Notion of Dementia Care for Indian Elders *Sumita Strander


2:00 PM – 3:45 PM (Fairmont, Glen Ellen) Moral Entanglements and Moral Economies of Elder Care in East Asia

This panel brings together ethnographic studies from East Asia to explore how economic transformation and the reconfiguration of state-society relations have changed the ways that people enter and inhabit old age. *Lilian Prueher and Claudia Wang organizers/presenters


4:15 PM – 6:00 PM (SJCC, Grand Ballroom B)
Conceptualizing Personhood, Distress, and Lived Experience: Anthropologies of Aging and the Life Course

This panel will highlight the contribution of ethnography to debates over both individual and collective futures and the theoretical insights to be exchanged between those working on the multiple dimensions of population politics.


10:15 AM – 12:00 PM (SJCC Executive Ballroom 210A)
The Intimate Life of the State: Demographic Transition in East Asia

As people encounter new state policies, what everyday acts of resistance do they pursue and what forms of resilience do these acts entail? How do people adapt differently in their everyday lives to new expressions of state power across rural-urban, gender, ethnic, and international divides? How do these intimate dynamics help us to account for the demographic phenomena that we observe? And how do we think comparatively about these developments in a period of rapid demographic transition globally?


2:00 PM – 3:45 PM (SJCC Executive Ballroom 210 H)
Moods and Moralities in Being Towards the Future

The papers variously speak to end-of-life decision making, the fall of socialism and the aftermath for individual lives, the dynamic disjuncture between xenophobia and utopias of belonging, the planning of medical infrastructures, and the pending fall of international political and economic agreements. All do with with an attention to how individuals situated within these contexts experience the future in the present, how that experience is morally mooded, and how that both shapes and reflects social life at both the micro and macro levels  *Natashe Lemos Dekker, Devin Flaherty organizers/presenters


2:00-3:45PM (Marriott San Jose Ballroom 4)
Intervention: Bodies, Ethics, and Imbrications of Violence and Care

Ethnographic engagements with various forms of medical intervention have yielded the troubling but important insight that care and violence are often inextricably enfolded into one another.[These papers] each contribute to wider debates in anthropology concerning the ways in which people creatively resist, adapt, and keep on in the face of uncertainty.

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM  (Hilton, Santa Clara I)
Assisted Death in the Arctic and Subarctic: Examining the practice of infanticide and geronticide



8:30-8:45AM, (SJCC LL 20C)
“Embracing Dementia: A New Mode of Neurobiological Difference in Japan,” Junko Kitanaka

8:00-9:45AM (SJCC San Jose Ballroom 3)
Resisting Biomedicine: Politics, Practices, and Logics of Care

As biomedical paradigms are rarely passively received, this panel examines how practices, networks, and institutions of care can be seen as resistant toward globally predominate forces of political economy and biomedical knowledges.  *Casey Golomski, Jessica Robbins presenters

8:00- 9:45AM (SJCC, MR 212 B)
Panel Ageless: Reflections on Lawrence Cohen’s No Aging in India

As part of a retrospective panel, a group of scholars will come together to look back on No Aging, to explore the milieu in which it was written and in which it appeared. But they will also reflect on how No Aging has helped to forge new openings and connections, either in their own research or in broader fields like anthropology, STS, South Asian Studies and critical gerontology.

Kinship Imagination in Gamete Donation and Surrogacy: Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation

The participants in this session will analyze ethnographic fieldwork to explore the myriad ways people think about assisted reproductive technologies and the relationships created through them. The perspectives of donors and donor-conceived children and how they think about biological connection and meanings of family will also be addressed. We highlight resilience in the concept of family, that is, its “capacity to recover quickly from difficulties,” its “toughness,” its “elasticity” or “ability…to spring back into shape” Organizer/Presenter: Nancy Konvalinka

12:15-2:00PM (Fairmont Gold)
And a Time to Celebrate: Honoring Sharon Kaufman’s Contributions to Medical Anthropology

This is a special event to honor Sharon Kaufman, an innovative thinker and theorist whose work has explored the changing culture and structure of US medicine; health care delivery at the end-of-life, the relationship of biotechnologies to ethics, governance and medical practice; and the shifting terrain of evidence in clinical science.


2:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Fairmont, Hillsborough)


2:00-3:45 PM (Grand Ballroom C)
Roundtable: Keywords for an Anthropology after Care

This roundtable takes a keywords approach to develop an anthropology after care. We focus on building what Raymond Williams called an “active vocabulary” of terms that related to care, whose contested meanings are “inextricably bound up with the problems [they are] used to discuss”  *Jessica Robbins, Aaron Seaman, Fayana Richards, participants

2:00-3:45 (SJCC LL 20 A)
Working the Institution: conducting ethnography in American Healthcare

*Sharon Kaufman discussant

4:30 PM – 4:45 PM  (SJCC MR212 C)

Like a Handful of Corn on a Mountain Top: Resilience Among Urban Affrilachian Elders



8:00-9:45AM (SJCC San Jose Ballroom 3)
How to Blunder Well? A Roundtable on Ethnography’s Awkward Encounters

Speakers will address issues such as the unexpected benefits of shyness and introversion (our own or our research participants’) in fieldwork, what is revealed in social bumbles and missed cues, unexpected encounters ranging from harassment to solicitations of illegal activity, managing peer pressure to convert to a new religion, and balancing calls to take sides from research participants on opposing sides of conflicts. *Emily Wentzell participant